Saturday 3 February 2024

Head, Face & Ear Reflexology


Head, Face & Ear Reflexology

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Reflexology Techniques 

1.        Thumb Walking or Finger Walking ~  inching the thumb and index finger held together along a reflex area.  Bending both fingers at the first knuckle presses the thumb into the flesh and propels it automatically on to the next spot. 


2.        Press and Rotate ~  done on small reflexes..  Place small fingertip on reflex, press and rotate.


3.        Nerve Stroke ~  last stroke of treatment.  It is a very light, feathery finger stroking technique.  It soothes and calms nervous system.  Use finger tips to lightly stroke over skin or hair, drawing energy off the body.


 Reflexology Treatment Notes

1.       Time for treatment is 45 min to 1 hour.

 2.       Pressure is 2 to 12 pounds or to client’s tolerance level.  Pain does not heal.  Pain is a warning signal.  Pressure varies from client to client and from reflex to reflex.  On the young, old, sick or pregnant lighten your pressure.

3.       Work in a relaxed, efficient yet caring manner.  This will help to relax the client.

 4.       Client in lying position with bolster under knees is ideal.

 5.       Remember to give the treatment with your hands, your head and your heart.

 6.       Use your mind to mentally relax each reflex.  Visualize tensions releasing from the neck or think in your mind “The neck is relaxed”.

Head Techniques


Optional:  Apply Essential Oil blend sparingly using dropper bottle to distribute oil only on center of top of head, center of hairline at top of forehead and along occipital bone at base of skull.

 Inchworm ~ Use right hand to rub with finger pads upper right scalp at part, working down back of head to base of skull.  Move hand down to center section and repeat.  Move hand to just above ear and repeat. Do very small movements with fingers.


Repeat on left side of head.


Repeat same technique working lines in same fashion starting at hairline above right ear and working to hairline above left ear.


General Meridian Points ~ Use thumb and finger to press points down center part of head from hairline to base of skull.


Bladder Meridian Points ~ Walk over 1 thumbs width either side of general meridian and work thumb and finger technique down either side in two lines.


Skull Cap Grid ~ continue working thumb and finger technique down to end of hairline near ear, separating 1 thumb width between each line.  Work right side, then move to left side.


Work lines in same fashion starting at hairline above right ear and working to hairline above left ear.


Halo ~ use thumb and finger technique to work in 1 line from center part top of forehead around base of skull to start point.

Follow edge of bone under skull, pressing fingers in to bottom edge where muscle attaches.

Use index finger of other hand to feel ahead of right hand as a guide for bone shape.


Inchworm ~ Use right hand to rub with finger pads upper right scalp at part, working down back of head to base of skull.  Move hand down to center section and repeat.  Move hand to just above ear and repeat. Do very small movements with fingers.


Repeat on left side of head.


Repeat same technique working lines in same fashion starting at hairline above right ear and working to hairline above left ear.



Optional ~ Work a small amount of oil into your hands only and use light smoothing stroke on forehead, cheeks, chin, jawbone.


Sinus Points on Forehead ~ horizontal grid use thumb and finger technique to press gently along lines from edge of bone at temple to opposite side, starting at eyebrow and working up to hairline.

Vertical grid repeat same technique working lines from eyebrow to hairline starting at edge of temple bone.


Pressure Circles ~ use index and middle fingers held together to do small pressure circles over brow area, working to edge of temple bone only.  Do not use any pressure in temple depression.


Nose Massage ~ hold middle fingers at are of nose where bone meets cartilage and work alternate pressure circles.  Use fingers on top of nose to alternately stroke up over bridge and up forehead to hairline.


Sinus Points Under Brow ~ use thumb and index finger pads to squeeze eye brow, applying pressure in hollows over and under ridge of brows.  Work from center to outside, holding each pressure for a count of 5 then release slowly.


Bladder Channel Points ~ place index finger tips at inner edge of brow in small notch at join of two eye bones and apply pressure.  Work area about an inch long along bone to find notch.  Important drain point for bladder channel.



Drain Forehead ~ line up thumb pads or thenas,  side by side at center of forehead close to brows, draw both thumbs outward toward the edge of temple bone.  Place thumbs on forehead again to do 2 more drains at center and near hairline.

Alternately you can line up 4 finger tips on each hand at center of forehead and pull to edge of temple bone.

Rotate Temples ~ using fingertips, gently hold temples and circle-stroke temples in clockwise direction.  Reverse movement, going counter-clockwise, then back to clock-wise direction to finish.

Pressure Points on Cheek Bones ~ use thumb and finger technique to gently press in 3 lines from inside area at nose to outer edge, under cheekbone, on cheekbone and above cheekbone.

Drain Cheek Points ~ line up 3 fingers under cheekbone, on cheekbone and above cheekbone, pressing on the ridge of the bone and continuing to sides of face and pull both hands up softly towards temples.


Rotate Fingertips ~ use index and middle fingers to do small pressure circles, sinking fingers into cheek muscles.

Jaw Hollow ~ press and rotate with index finger in hollow between jaw bone and cheek bone.


Grip Jaw Bone ~  with index finger bent and thumb opposite, pulling muscle away from bone moving up jaw line from center chin.


Repeat, working thumbs in small circles under jaw bone but only on bone, not into hollow under bone.


Scissor Jaw ~ use peace sign to scissor jaw alternating left and right starting at center and working to end of jaw bone.

Rotate Temples ~ using fingertips, gently hold temples and circle-stroke temples in clockwise direction.  Reverse movement, going counter-clockwise, then back to clock-wise direction to finish.




Unravel Ear ~  Use index finger and thumb to gently straighten out cartilage of ear, starting at top working down to lobe.  First do outer edge, then move fingers to inner edge and pocket.

Press and Rotate Ear Points ~  Support ear with hand behind and use small fingertip to press and rotate first points on outer edge, then inner edge of ear.


Spinal Points on Ridge Inside Ear~  Use small fingertip to press and rotate on points for spine on ridge, first do main ridge, then inner and outer facing surfaces.


Spinal Points on Ridge Behind Ear~  Press and rotate with small fingertip on bone behind ear.  Stop at bottom of bone before space behind lobe.  Do 3 lines, one on bone, then one on inner, then outer edge of bone.


Ear Massage  Optional ~ Work a small amount of oil into your hands only and work into ears.

Massage both ears at the same time, unraveling cartilage and pushing thumbs into pockets.


Rotate Ears ~  Grasp ear where it connects to skull with thumb and fingers in large pocket and rotate slowly in both directions.


Inchworm ~ Use right hand to rub with finger pads upper right scalp at part, working down back of head to base of skull.  Move hand down to center section and repeat.  Move hand to just above ear and repeat. Do very small movements with fingers.


Repeat on left side of head.


Repeat same technique working lines in same fashion starting at hairline above right ear and working to hairline above left ear.


Hair Pull ~  Place backs of hands on scalp, weaving fingers through hair, make fists holding hands against scalp and pull hair gently.   Pump hands alternately and press thumb pads against scalp.


Nerve Stroke ~  Brush fingertips from top of head to shoulders and out lightly.