Saturday 3 February 2024

Essential Oils A to Z


Essential Oils A to Z


warm, licoricey, peppery

Actions ~ antidepressant, antispasmodic, nervine
Extraction ~ distillation of the flowering herb
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ addictions, adrenal cortex (stimulate), allergies (respiratory), 
asthma, bronchitis,

circulation (increase), headaches, intestines (cleanse), irritable bowel, migraines, muscle pain,

muscle tone, rheumatism

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, stress, hysteria, fragile nerves, mental fatigue,

sharpens senses, concentration, calms, heart-warming, happiness, peace

Spiritual Uses ~ brow chakra


warm chocolatey vanilla

Actions ~ anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-oxidant
Extraction ~ solvent extracted from gum of tree
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ asthma, arthritis, bronchitis, circulation, cough,

fibromyalgia, fluid retention, lymph (congested),

muscle pain, nerves (to calm, fragile), psychosomatic illness,

rejuvenator of body, rheumatism, wrinkles
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ sadness, loneliness, depression, worries,

exhausted emotional states, anger,

frustration, grief, stress, emotional stress, confidence, conscious mind,

Spiritual Uses ~ psychic exhaustion, magical energy
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: Air, Sign: Gemini


spicy citrus

Actions ~ anti-depressant, sedative, analgesic
Extraction ~ pressing the rind of the fruit
Safety ~ photo sensitive
Physical Uses ~ anti-aging, fibromyalgia, insomnia, jet lag, muscle

pain, plants (to keep pets away), restful sleep
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anxiety, depression, stress, anger,

frustration, irritability, grief, frazzled nerves, right brain, joy,

happiness, uplifting, cooling and refreshing

Spiritual Uses ~ cleanse and strengthen body, mind and spirit,

throat chakra, uplifts the soul
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: Fire, Sign: Leo

Black Pepper

warm, peppery

Actions ~ rubefacient, analgesic, digestive
Extraction ~ distilled from the red berries
Safety ~ use in moderation
Physical Uses ~ addictions, aphrodisiac, appetite (loss of), arthritis,

blood cells (red, to form), bone pain, brain trauma, burns fat, cellulite,

chills, circulation, constipation, diarrhea, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia,

indigestion, influenza, irritable bowel, jet lag, muscle pain, spasm, strain,

muscle tone, peristalsis (to encourage), rheumatism, stimulant

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anger, stimulating, strengthens mind and nerves,

stamina when frustrated,

warms the heart where there is indifference, brain,mental alertness, courage
Spiritual Uses ~ to remain awake during meditation, physical energy protection
Astrology ~ Planet: Mars, Element: Fire, Sign: Aries

Crystals ~ Resonates with amber, brecciated jasper, tiger iron


light eucalyptus

Actions ~ antiseptic, decongestant, expectorant
Extraction ~ distillation of leaves and twigs
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ antiseptic for respiratory tract, asthma, bronchitis, colds,

digestive disorders, fever (a drop on the bath promotes sweating),

headaches, influenza, laryngitis

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ stimulating, clears thoughts, balances body and mind

Carrot Seed

strong carrot, earthy

Actions ~ tonic, smooth muscle relaxant, hepatic
Extraction ~ distillation
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ anti-aging, blood cells (to form-red), blood purifier, glandular problems,

hormone tonic, organ boost (improves energy output, skin problems (dry, oily, rash, scars,

stretch marks, wrinkles)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ feelings of stress and exhaustion, confusion, cleanses the mind
Spiritual Uses ~ inner vision
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury


soft, woody, balsamic

Actions ~ insect repellent, sedative, expectorant
Extraction ~ distillation from the wood
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ bronchitis, colds, cough, insect repellant, long-standing complaints
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ nervous tension, anxiety, anger, frustration, mental and nervous

exhaustion, stress, mind (refreshes, uplifts, revives), self-control

Spiritual Uses ~ meditation--steers you back on the path that, needs to be tested,

deepens connection to

your deity, sacral chakra, grounding
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: fire, Sign: Leo

Crystals ~ Resonates with picture jasper, petrified wood, blue tourmaline


fruity, herby

Actions ~ sedative, anti-spasmodic, analgesic
Extraction ~ distillation of flower heads
Safety ~ non

Physical Uses ~ arthritis (G), auto immune boost (G, fibromyalgia, headaches, inflammation

(G, insomnia, menopause, migraines, muscle pain, spasm, sprain, nerve pain, neuralgia,

periods (painful, irregular, heavy), PMS, relax, rheumatism, sciatica, sedative, shock,

skin problems (acne, allergies, bruises, chapped, cleanse, congested, dry, cracked, rash,

sensitive, strengthens), stress, tendinitis

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anxiety, tension, anger, fear, depression, worries, irritability,

hysteria, moodiness, relaxation, patience, peace, calms and relaxes mind, right brain

Spiritual Uses ~ throat chakra (G), solar plexus chakra, meditation
Astrology ~ Planet: Venus, Element: water
(G) = German Blue Chamomile


insence-like, heady floral

Extraction ~ distilled from flower
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ arthritis, blood purifier, fatigue, rheumatism
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anxiety, depression, uplifting

Clary Sage

nutty, herby, musky

Actions ~ anti-convulsive, female hormone balancer, sedative
Extraction ~ distillation of flowering tops and leaves
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ aphrodisiac, asthma, convulsions, fibromyalgia, fluid retention,

headaches, inflammation, insomnia, oily hair, menopause, migraines, muscle spasm or cramp,

periods (irregular, painful), PMS, sedative, skin regeneration, stress, wrinkles

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, nervous tension, exhaustion, fatigue, irritability,

racing mind, fear, grief, panicky states, boredom, moodiness, emotional stress, balance, calm,


Spiritual Uses ~ euphoric, helps to see life in perspective, sacral chakra, stimulate

dream activity
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: air, Sign: Gemini

Crystals ~ Resonates with atlantisite, azurite/malachite, blue calcite, green calcite,

clear quartz, larimar, malachite, prehnite, ruby/kyanite/fuchsite, crazy lace agate


warm, woody, spicy

Actions ~ vasoconstrictive, diuretic, antispasmodic
Extraction ~ steam distillation of needles and twigs
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ allergies (respiratory), anti-aging, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, cellulite,

colds, cough, flea deterrent, fluid retention, lymph (congested), menopause, muscle spasm,

periods (heavy, painful), PMS, rheumatism, sedative, stress

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ calms talkative, irritable people, anger, depression, calms mind,

eases loss, transition, strength, comfort

Spiritual Uses ~ cleanse spirit, removes psychic blocks, base chakra
Astrology ~ Planet: Saturn, Element: earth, Sign: Capricorn


camphory, pepperminty

Actions ~ bactericide, antiviral, expectorantanalgesic
Extraction ~ distilled from the fresh or partially dried leaves and young twigs
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy, high blood pressure, epileptic, oral toxin
Physical Uses ~ allergies, arthritis, asthma, athlete's foot, blood purifier, bronchitis,

colds, cough, decongestant, feet (to energize), fever, fluid retention, glands (swollen),

headaches, inflammation, influenza, insect repellant, laryngitis, migraines, muscle pain

and strain, muscular dystrophy(stimulant), neuralgia, pain, phlegm, rheumatism,

sciatica, sinus problems, skin (congested), skin (regeneration), stimulant, wounds
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ heated emotions, confusion, concentration, revives mind
Spiritual Uses ~ revives low spirit, brow chakra, purification of psychic energy
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: air Sign Gemini

Crystals ~ Resonates with bloodstone


insence-like, sweet, spicy

Actions ~ astringent, sedative
Extraction ~ distillation of resin of the bark
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses allergies (respiratory), anti-aging, arthritis, asthma, auto immune

boost, brain trauma, bronchitis, colds, cough, immune stimulant, influenza, laryngitis,

lymph (congested), mucous membranes (to strengthen), phlegm, relax, respiratory

infection, rheumatism, sedative, sinus problems, skin (oily, rash, softening, scars,

stretch marks, sunburned, tonic, wrinkles)
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anxieties linked to past, stress, tension, depression,

grief, nervous tension, stress, calms, soothes mind, comforting

Spiritual Uses ~ amber, heightened awareness of spiritual realms, awakens higher

consciousness prior to

meditation, crown chakra, clairvoyance, meditation, opens pineal gland, spirituality, yoga
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: air

Crystals ~ Resonates with amber, amethyst, ametrine


sweet greenish rose

Actions ~ anti-depressant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory
Extraction ~ distillation of leaves, stalks and flowers
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ acne, adrenal cortex (to stimulate), addictions, allergies (respiratory),

anti-aging, arthritis, calms body, cellulite, circulation, convalescence, cough, debility,

fluid retention, inflammation, insomnia, irritable bowel, jet lag, lymph (congested),

menopause, muscle pain, muscular dystrophy (relax), periods (heavy, painful),

PMS, rheumatism, shingles, skin (cleanser, congested, oily, sensitive, scars, stretch marks,

sunburn, wrinkles), stress
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anxiety, depression, fragile nerves, nervous exhaustion

or fatigue, balances mind
Spiritual Uses ~ lifts the spirits, protection, calms psyche, protects psychically,

defense against unwanted outside negative energy

Astrology ~ Planet: Venus, Element: water

Crystals ~ Resonates with amazonite, kyanite, black obsidian, sugilite


earthy, root, spicy

Actions ~ aperitif, analgesic, antispasmodic
Extraction ~ distillation of roots
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ appetite (loss of), arthritis, bronchitis, colds, constipation, cough,

diarrhea, digestive problems, fever, fibromyalgia, influenza, irritable bowel, lymph (congested),

migraines, muscle (pain, spasm ,cramp, strain, tone), muscular dystrophy (to stimulate), neuralgia,

phlegm, physical energy, rheumatism, sciatica, sinus problems, throat (sore)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ warms emotions, sharpens senses, memory, cheering,

grounding, love, courage, confidence, concentration, stimulates and revives the mind,

nervous exhaustion

Spiritual Uses ~ magical energy, purification, success on all levels, centering, base chakra,

Astrology ~ Planet: Mars, Element: fire, Sign: Aries


sweet, fresh citrus

Actions ~ astringent, diuretic, lymphatic stimulant
Extraction ~ pressed from rind
Safety ~ photo sensitive
Physical Uses ~ addictions, acne, appetite (loss of), arthritis, cellulite, cholesterol,

fibromyalgia, fluid retention, headaches, indigestion, irritable bowel, jet lag, lymph

(congested), migraines, muscle spasm or cramp, obesity, PMS, stress

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ stabilizes manic depression, irritability, anxiety, euphoric,

hypnotic, left brain, balance central nervous system, uplifting, reviving, balance the mind

Spiritual Uses ~ uplifting to body, mind and spirit

Crystals ~ Resonates with picture jasper, kunzite


rich, sweet floral

Actions ~ aphrodisiac, anti-spasmodic, anti-depressant
Extraction ~ enfleurage of the flowers
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ hormone balancer, impotence, insomnia, irritability, laryngitis, menopause,

muscle (spasm, cramp, strain), periods (painful, PMS), skin(dry, hard, itchy, sensitive, scars,

stretch marks, sunburned,

tone, wrinkles), stimulant
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, post-natal depression, grief, lethargy, boredom,

apathy, nerves (fragile, out of control), nervous exhaustion, tension, stress, emotional stress,

positive feelings of confidence, restores energy, love, peace, emotions,

balances central nervous system, mind (stimulates, revives)

Spiritual Uses ~ balances yin \ yang, spirituality, psychic dreams, disconnected spirit
Astrology ~ Planet: Moon, Element: water, Sign: Cancer

Crystals ~ Resonates with honey calcite


fresh, peppery, woody

Actions ~ astringent, diuretic, anti-spasmodic
Extraction ~ distilled from berries
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ acne, addictions, arthritis, blood purifier, brain trauma, bronchitis, cellulite,

fibromyalgia, fluid retention, lymph (congested), muscle pain, spasm, cramp, muscle toxins,

neuralgia, obesity, parasite detoxifier, periods (heavy, irregular, painful), rheumatism, sciatica,


Mental & Emotional Uses ~ abuse stress, depression, mental fatigue, confusion,

fragile nerves, emotional stress, nerves, left brain, cleansing for body, mind and spirit,

clears, stimulates, great for people in helping professions, memory

Spiritual Uses ~ purifies atmosphere, cleanses aura, supports the spirit in challenging

situations, protection, centers, clairvoyance, meditation, wards off negative energy and danger

Astrology ~ Planet: sun, Element: fire, Sign: Leo

Crystals ~ Resonates with ametrine, aqua aura quartz, carnelian, citrine, labradorite,

mahogany obsidian, moonstone, smoky quartz, tigers eye, black tourmaline


fresh, herby, floral

Actions anti-depressant, nervine, sedative, antiseptic, antiviral
Extraction ~ distilled from flowers and stalks
Safety ~ avoid if pregnant or low blood pressure
Physical Uses ~ allergies (respiratory), anti-aging, arthritis, asthma, auto immune boost,

bone pain, brain trauma, bronchitis, burns, cellulite, circulation, colds, cough, dandruff,

digestive disorders, eczema, feet (energize), fever, fibromyalgia, fluid retention,

fungal infections, headaches,inflammation, insect repellant, insect stings, insomnia,

irritable bowel, lymph (congested), muscle pain, spasm, cramp, strain, muscle tone,

muscular dystrophy (relax), palpitations, periods (irregular, painful), PMS, psoriasis,

phlegm, rheumatism, sedative, sinus problems, skin (acne, dry, regeneration, sensitive,

scars, stretch marks, sunburn, wrinkles), stress, wounds

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ abuse stress, anger, nervous exhaustion, depression, fear,

grief, irritability, over-active mind, moodiness, emotional stress, stabilizes the body, mind

and spirit, left brain, balances central nervous system, memory, balances mind, love, peace,

conscious mind

Spiritual Uses ~ cleanses and soothes spirit, cleanses aura, brow, heart, solar plexus

chakras, meditation, connect with soul, spiritual love

Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: air, Sign: Gemini

Crystals ~ Resonates with moss agate, charoite, iolite, brecciated jasper, red jasper,

stonehenge, green tourmaline


fresh citrus

Actions ~ immune stimulant, astringent, analgesic
Extraction ~ pressed from outer rind
Safety ~ skin irritation, photo sensitive
Physical Uses ~ acne, addictions, arthritis, asthma, auto immune boost, blood purifier,

bronchitis, cellulite, circulatory problems, colds, constipation, cough, dandruff, diarrhea,

digestive disorders, fever, fibromyalgia, fluid retention, glands (swollen), headaches,

immune system, influenza, insect repellent, jet lag, laryngitis, left brain, lymph (congested),

menopause, migraines, obesity, oily hair and skin, pancreas (strengthen),sinus problems,


Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, clarity of thought, refreshing, cooling, concentration
Spiritual Uses ~ uplifting to body, mind and spirit, centering, brow chakra, purification

of physical energy
Astrology ~ Planet: Moon, Element: water, Sign: Cancer


fresh citrus, straw-like

Actions ~ insecticide, antiseptic
Extraction ~ steam distilled from fresh and partially dried leaves
Safety ~ may irritate sensitive skin
Physical Uses ~ acne, appetite (loss of), athlete's foot, cellulite, deodorant, digestive

disorders, fungal infections, flea and insect repellent, skin (oily, tone), stimulant

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, mental fatigue, stimulating, reviving
Spiritual Uses ~ lifts spirit, psychic exhaustion, psychic awareness, purification
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: air, Sign: Gemini


fresh citrus

Actions ~ tonic, restorative, antiseptic, antiviral, disinfectant
Extraction ~ pressing of the peel
Safety ~ phototoxic
Physical Uses ~ similar uses to lemon, gives back energy after illness, acne,

rheumatism, sinus problems, stress, virus
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ very activating and stimulating: especially where there

is apathy, anxiety, depression:, refreshing and uplifting to a tired mind

Spiritual Uses ~ purification of physical energy, protection
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: fire, Sign: Leo


light floral, citrus

Actions ~ anti-spasmodic, digestive, sedative
Extraction ~ pressed from rind
Safety ~ photo sensitive
Physical Uses ~ acne, appetite (loss of), asthma, constipation, digestive disorders,

fluid retention, insomnia, muscle spasm or cramp, obesity, skin tone, stress, wrinkles

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, anxiety, nervous tension, hysteria, shock, uplifting
Spiritual Uses ~ cleanse and strengthen body, mind and spirit


warm, spicy, herby

Actions analgesic, anti-spasmodic, sedative, anaphrodisiac
Extraction ~ distillation of flowering herb
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ anti-aging, arthritis, asthma, brain trauma, bronchitis, circulation, colds,

constipation, cough, debility, diarrhea, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, headaches,

hyper-activity, insomnia, irritability, irritable bowel, migraines, muscle pain, spasm,

cramp strain, muscle tone, multiple sclerosis, nerve pain, parasympathetic nervous

system (stimulates), periods (irregular, painful), PMS, phlegm, rheumatism, sciatica,

sinus problems, stress, tendinitis, thyroid (overactive)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, calms nervous system, anxiety,

deep psychological trauma, grief, loneliness, fragile nerves, nervous exhaustion,

emotional stress, warms emotions, stimulates and strengthens mind, peace, helps

one to confront issues
Spiritual Uses ~ unification of psychic and consciousness for successful ritual
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: air, Sign: Gemini

Crystals ~ Resonates with aquamarine


warm, earthy, musty

Actions ~ antiphlogistic, antiseptic, astringent
Extraction ~ distilled from resin of tree
Safety ~ avoid during pregnancy
Physical Uses ~ anti-aging, arthritis, asthma, auto immune boost, bronchitis,

convalescence, cough, digestive problems, disinfectant, fungal infections,

gum infections, immune stimulant, inflammation, periods (irregular), rheumatism, skin

(bruised, chapped, congested, regeneration, scars, stretch marks, sunburned, wrinkles),

throat (sore), thyroid (over-active)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ weakness, apathy, lack of incentive, heated emotions,

nervous exhaustion, stress, anxiety, confidence, stimulates the mind

Spiritual Uses ~ meditation, spiritual rituals, crown chakra, meditation,

opens pineal gland, yoga
Astrology ~ Planet: Saturn, Element: water


radiant, sweet, floral

Actions ~ anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, anti-spasmodic
Extraction ~ enfleurage then distillation of white blossoms
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ addictions, anti-aging, asthma, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia,

menopause, PMS, relax, sedative, skin (bruised, dry, hard, rash, regeneration,

sensitive, scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, x-ray protection

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anxiety, depression, stress, hysteria, shock, negative

thought patterns and harmful habits, anger, frustration, irritability, mental fatigue,

nervous tension, sadness, peace, joy, hypnotic, euphoric, right brain, confidence, relaxes

and strengthens mind

Spiritual Uses ~ purification, body, mind and spirit balance, heart chakra, meditation,

connect with soul
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: fire, Sign: Leo

Crystals ~ Resonates with angel aura quartz, angelite, scolecite


eucalyptus-like, light

Actions ~ antiseptic, bactericidal
Extraction ~ distilled from leaves and young twigs of melaleuca bush
Safety ~ powerful stimulant, do not use in late evening
Physical Uses ~ acne, arthritis, asthma, athlete's foot, auto immune boost, bronchitis,

circulatory problems, colds, cough, decongestant, fever, fungal infections, immune

stimulant, influenza, laryngitis, lymph (congested), muscle pain, phlegm, psoriasis,

rheumatism, sinus problems, stimulant

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, stimulating, reviving, clears head, concentration
Spiritual Uses ~ stimulates dream activity, protection against or to overcome psychic attack
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: air, Sign: Gemini


fresh, tangy, sweet

Actions ~ anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, digestive stimulant
Extraction ~ pressed from outer rind
Safety ~ photo toxic
Physical Uses ~ acne, addictions, anti-aging, appetite (loss of), cell stimulant,

constipation, depression (post-natal), diarrhea, digestive disorders, fluid retention

 indigestion, muscle spasm or cramp, muscular dystrophy (relax),

nervous tension, obesity, skin (bruised, congested, dry, itchy, hard, rash, sedative,

sensitive, scars, stretch marks, tonic, wrinkles), stress

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ gloomy thoughts and depression, boredom, low energy,

relaxant positive outlook
Spiritual Uses ~ body, mind and spirit balance, heart chakra, purification of physical

energy, magical energy
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: fire, Sign: Leo

Crystals ~ Resonates with apatite, orange calcite


smokey, herby, earthy

Actions ~ aphrodisiac, sedative, astringent
Extraction ~ distilled from leaves
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ addictions, anti-aging, aphrodisiac, cellulite, constipation,

fluid retention, fungal infections, immune stimulant, inflammation, physical energy,

skin (acne, allergies, chapped, congested, dry, cracked, rash, regeneration, scars,

stretch marks, snake bite, sunburned, wrinkles)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ lethargy, apathy, depression, stress, anxiety,

balance the mind, wits, objectivity,

left brain, concentration, helps to see life in perspective, clarify problems
Spiritual Uses ~ grounding, sacral chakra
Astrology ~ Planet: Saturn, Element: earth, Sign: Capricorn

Crystals ~ Resonates with snowflake obsidian


fresh, cooling, minty

Actions ~ analgesic, stimulant, stomachic
Extraction ~ distilled from leaves
Safety ~ antidotes homeopathic remedies
Physical Uses ~ arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, colds, constipation, convalescence,

cough, debility, decongestant, diarrhea, digestive disorders, fever, fibromyalgia, fungal

infections, hair (oily), headaches, influenza, laryngitis, menopause, migraines, muscle

(pain, spasm, strain), muscle tone, multiple sclerosis, neuralgia, periods (irregular,

painful), phlegm, rheumatism, sciatica, sinus problems, stress, tendinitis
Mental & Emotional Uses~ anger, hysteria, mental fatigue, shock, depression,

inferiority, fragile nerves, nervous

exhaustion, negative thoughts, stimulates the mind, cooling, wake-up, conscious mind
Spiritual Uses~ purification
Astrology ~ Planet: Mercury, Element: air, Sign: Gemini

Crystals ~ Resonates with hematite, ruby zoisite


woody, floral, neroli-like

Actions ~ tonic, deodorant, sedative
Extraction ~ distilled from leaves and young twigs of the orange tree
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ acne, digestive disorders, fluid retention, immune stimulant,

insomnia, muscle spasm or cramp, respiratory infection, rheumatism, stress

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, anxiety, anger, panic, frustration, grief,

refreshes mind, soothes emotions, conscious mind

Spiritual Uses ~ transition, protection
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: fire, Sign: Leo

Crystals ~ Resonates with elestial quartz, lepidolite, rainbow obsidian


clean, fresh, woody

Actions ~ disinfectant, antiseptic, expectorant
Extraction ~ distillation of needles, small twigs and cones
Safety ~ skin irritant
Physical Uses ~ arthritis, asthma, athlete's foot, brain trauma, bronchitis,

chest infections, clear air of bacteria, colds, cough, debility, decongestant,

fungal infections, immune stimulant, inflammation, influenza, inhalation,

laryngitis, lymph (congested), menopause, neuralgia, phlegm, respiratory infection,

physical energy, sciatica, sinus problems, stimulant, stimulate circulation

when added to bath, tendinitis, throat (sore)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ weakness, debility, depression, mental fatigue,

stress, anxiety, refreshes and

uplifts a tired mind, strengthens the mind
Spiritual Uses ~ malachite, purification, protection, magical energy
Astrology ~ Planet: Mars, Element: air


deep, soft, hypnotic

Actions ~ anti-depressant, balancer for female reproductive system, aphrodisiac
Extraction ~ enfleurage of petals
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ abuse stress, addictions, aerobics (improve circulation), anti aging,

aphrodisiac, blood purifier, brain trauma, fibromyalgia, headaches, liver and spleen

tonic, lymph (congested), menopause, migraines, muscular dystrophy (to relax),

periods (heavy, irregular, painful), PMS, sedative, skin (dry, hard, sensitive, scars,

stretch marks, sunburned, wrinkles)
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ soothes emotions, depression, grief, jealousy,

resentment, anger, frustration, post-natal depression, hysteria, insecurity,

irritability, moodiness, nervous tension, sadness, shock, stress,

anxiety, lifts heart, gives a woman positive feelings of self, love, peace, beauty,

happiness, balance and revive mind
Spiritual Uses ~ communication with angelic realm, cleanse and strengthen body,

mind and spirit, heart chakra, meditation, connect with soul, redirect sexual energy to spirit

Astrology ~ Planet: Venus, Element: water

Crystals ~ Resonates with aventurine, mangano calcite, chrysoprase, chrysocolla,

phosphosiderite, rhodochrosite,

rhodonite, rose quartz, sodalite


herby, woody, camphor-like

Actions ~ analgesic, nervine, stimulant
Extraction ~ distillation of flowering tops
Safety ~ avoid if epileptic
Physical Uses ~ addictions, arthritis, asthma, auto immune boost, brain trauma, bronchitis,

cellulite, colds, constipation, cough, dandruff, diarrhea, digestive problems, fever,

fibromyalgia, fluid retention, fungal infections, glands (swollen), headache, immune stimulant,

impotence, influenza, insect repellent, longevity, lymph (congested),

migraines, muscle (pain, spasm, cramp, strain, tone), phlegm, multiple sclerosis,

muscular dystrophy (stimulate), neuralgia, obesity, palpitations, periods

(irregular, painful), rheumatism, sciatica, sinus problems, stimulant, tendinitis,

thyroid (under-active)
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ lethargy, mental strain and fatigue, depression,

nervous exhaustion, stress, anxiety,

invigorating, conscious mind, nerves, enlivens brain cells, clears head, memory, love ,

centering, creativity
Spiritual Uses ~ brow chakra, meditation
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun, Element: fire, Sign: Leo

Crystals ~ Resonates with fluorite, lapis lazuli, rutilated quartz, turitella agate


floral. light, woody

Actions ~ tissue re-generator, immune stimulant, anti-depressant
Extraction ~ distillation of wood chippings
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ addictions, anti-aging, dandruff, fibromyalgia, headache, influenza,

jet lag, migraines, muscle tone,respiratory infection, skin (dry, sensitive, scars,

stretch marks, wrinkles)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, fear, mental fatigue, stress, anxiety,

stabilizes central nervous system, balancing, overburdened with problems,

refreshing, stimulating, uplifting, enlivening, creativity

Spiritual Uses ~ sacral chakra, meditation, return to body
Astrology ~ Planet: Sun

Crystals ~ Resonates with rainforest jasper, ocean jasper, seraphinite


warm, balsamic, woody

Actions ~ aphrodisiac, sedative, expectorant
Extraction ~ distillation of wood
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ abuse stress, addictions, anti-aging, aphrodisiac, bronchitis, cellulite,

cough, inflammation, insomnia, irritable bowel, laryngitis, menopause, muscle spasm,

cramp, neuralgia, phlegm, PMS, relax, sciatica, sedative, skin (acne, chapped, dry,

cracked, hard, itchy, oily, rash, softening, scars, stretch marks, sunburned,

varicose veins, wrinkles), throat (sore)
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ nervous tension, anxiety, obsessional attitudes, cuts ties

with past (kicking habits),

depression, irritability, stress, comforts the dying, peace, acceptance, relaxes the mind
Spiritual Uses ~ spirituality, meditation, throat and solar plexus chakras, kundalini,

opens pineal gland, redirect sexual energy to spirit, yoga

Astrology ~ Planet: Moon, Element: water, Sign: Cancer

Crystals ~ Resonates with mookite, serpentine, unakite

Tea Tree

sharp, musty, turpentine-like

Actions ~ anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antibiotic, antiseptic
Extraction ~ distilled from leaves of melaleuca tree
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ acne, asthma, athlete's foot, auto immune boost, bronchitis, colds,

cough, dandruff, debility, fever, fungal infection, gum infections, immune stimulant,

influenza, insect stings, itching, lymph (congested), muscle tone, nerves (fragile),

nervous exhaustion or fatigue, phlegm, rash, sinus problems, sunburn, throat (sore),

virus, wounds
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ depression, refreshing and revitalizing especially after

shock, uplifts, revives the mind
Spiritual Uses ~ throat chakra


warm, skunky, musty

Actions ~ anti-spasmodic, depressant of central nervous system, sedative
Extraction ~ distillation of roots
Safety ~ use in moderation
Physical Uses ~ arthritis, insomnia, migraines, muscle (spasm, cramp, tone),

palpitations, sedative, tendinitis
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ calms the mind, shock, stress, anxiety, fragile nerves,

nervous exhaustion


earthy, musty, root

Actions ~ sedative, anti-spasmodic, tonic
Extraction ~ distillation of roots
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ anti-aging, aphrodisiac, arthritis, insomnia, muscle (pain, spasm,

cramp, strain, tone), multiple

sclerosis, periods (irregular), relax, rheumatism, sedative
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ calming, settles nerves, deeper psychological

problems--where there is too much

sensitivity and openness, depression, mental fatigue, balance and relax the mind,

fragile nerves, nervous exhaustion, debility, stress, anxiety, scattered thoughts,

balances central nervous system, left brain, peace

Spiritual Uses ~ aura protection, grounding, cleanse the aura, base chakra
Astrology ~ Planet: Venus, Element: earth, Sign: Taurus

Crystals ~ Resonates with apache tears


green, herby, spicy

Actions ~ anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, fortifier
Extraction ~ distilled from dried herb
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ acne, arthritis, auto immune boost, bronchitis, blood renewal, colds,

digestion (sluggish), fever, fibromyalgia, fluid retention, headaches, inflammation,

influenza, insomnia, lymph (congested), migraines, muscle spasm or cramp,

periods (heavy, irregular, painful), PMS, relaxation, rheumatism, skin (chapped, oily, scars,

stretch marks, sunburn) stress
Mental & Emotional Uses ~ moodiness, relaxant, courage, love
Spiritual Uses ~ lifts spirits, heart chakra, psychic awareness
Astrology ~ Planet: Venus, Element: water

Ylang Ylang

sweet, intense, floral

Actions ~ aphrodisiac, sedative, hormone balancer
Extraction ~ distillation of flowers
Safety ~ none
Physical Uses ~ anti-aging, aphrodisiac, hair (growth), impotence, palpitations,

parasympathetic nervous system ( to stimulate), relax, sedative, skin (acne, wrinkles)

Mental & Emotional Uses ~ anger, frustration, anxiety, shock, panic, fear, stress,

depression, hysteria, irritability, nervous tension , relaxes nervous system and

mind, fragile nerves, joy, peace, love, confidence

Spiritual Uses ~ sacral chakra, increases sensitivity
Astrology ~ Planet: Venus, Element: water, Sign: Cancer

Crystals ~ Resonates with azurite, azurite/malachite, blue lace agate, watermelon tourmaline