Wednesday 7 February 2024

Essential Oil Blends

Essential Oil Blends

 Here are some tried and true Essential Oil Blends that I have used over the years.

Each one can be made in a 2 ounce food grade plastic bottle with Holly Oil.  I order Holly Oil from my local Massage Supply company.  It is a clear carrier oil that has no healing properties to it.  Because it has been refined it has no spoilable qualities to it, leaving the essential oil blend for fragrance.

In the 2 ounces of Holly Oil I would add 30 drops of Essential Oil for a light blend and 60 drops of essential oil for a more intense blend.  Each blend calls for 3 Essential Oils so use either 10 or 20 of each to make the blend.

When I am making a target blend for application to a body part for instance pain in the lower back I use the stronger blend.

If I am doing a full body massage on someone for the first time I may use a lighter blend to see how they react to the oils.

Also included in each recipe below is a crystal that matches each blend and elevates the healing of the Essential Oils to a whole new level.  I called the blends Crystal-Infused Aromatherapy Blends.  I added a small piece of the crystal to the blend bottle.  If you are re-filling your blend bottle you can just leave the piece of crystal in there.

De-Stress - geranium, orange, patchouli + aventurine

Pain - juniper, black pepper, eucalyptus + fluorite

Anxiety & Depression - geranium, grapefruit, patchouli + black obsidian

Aphrodisiac - clary sage, patchouli, ylang ylang + smoky quartz

Clearing - juniper, lemon, vetiver + citrine

Goddess - rose, lavender, jasmine + sodalite

Grounding - spruce, cedarwood, pine + petrified wood

Headache - eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint + fluorite

Immune Boost - lavender, lemon, tea tree + bloodstone

Moontime - clary sage, grapefruit, lavender + moonstone

Morning Refresher - lemon, lime, orange + carnelian

Rainforest - lavender, patchouli, rosewood + amethyst

Reflexology - juniper, black pepper, eucalyptus + citrine

Reiki - frankincense, lavender, neroli + clear quartz

Sleep - lavender, mandarin, valerian + amethyst

Tree Meditation - rosewood, sandalwood, spruce + petrified wood or tree agate

Panic - geranium, grapefruit, patchouli + black tourmaline