Sunday 4 February 2024

Crystal Chakra Balancing for Pets


Crystal Chakra Balancing for Pets

Crystal suggestions - follow this link to the Crystals A to Z Post

Laying on of stones

1. Put a towel on the carpeted floor. Lay out your 8 crystals in order from the base Chakra to the 8th Chakra overhead on one side of the towel.  

2.  Lie pet down on towel on it's side.  Lay the crystals against or on the back of the body in order starting at the base chakra.

3.  Holding the Clear Quartz, move hand in a circular motion over Chakra Points to release old energy.  Envision each Chakra Point releasing any negative energy into the Earth. Place Clear quartz above head on towel.

4. Now envision each Chakra Point absorbing the color energy from each Healing Crystal. 

5. Now move each Healing Crystal to the corresponding chakra Points on the front of the body.  Envision each chakra Point absorbing the color energy from each Healing Crystal.

6. Remove Healing Crystals.

Crystals List

8th chakra = Clear Quartz
Crown = Amethyst
Brow = Sodalite
Throat = Amazonite
Heart = Rose Quartz
Solar Plexus = Moonstone
Sacral = Carnelian
Base = Black Obsidian